Friday, December 26, 2008

Upcoming TO Programs + AKJ Smaagam Schedule

Vaheguruu ji ka khalsa, Vaheguruu ji ki fatehh

Below are details on TO AKJ Smaagam which is going on this week.
Here are also some upcoming local TO programs in the upcoming weeks:

AKJ Smaagam -- Dec 22-28 ( for schedule)
Sangat Program -- Dec 28th (Dixie Gurughar --WestHall --4pm-730pm)
AKJ Raaensbayee -- Dec 31 (Old Rexdale Gurughar --7pm-3am)
YorkSSA YKD -- Jan 3rd (Dixie Gurughar -- Hall5 --6pm-2am)
AKJ Raaensbayee --Jan10th (Dixie Gurughar -- Main Hall --8pm-4am)


Here is the remaining schedule for the Smaagam (which started at the beginning of this week):

Dec. 26, 2008:
Aasaa dee Vaar Keertan: 3:00am-11:30am
Rexdale Gurdwara Sahib Sikh Spiritual Centre (9 Carrier Drive)
Main Hall ( 416-746-6666)

Akhand Keertan: 5:30pm-9:00pm
Rexdale Gurdwara Sahib Sikh Spiritual Centre (9 Carrier Drive)
Main Hall ( 416-746-6666)

Dec. 27, 2008:
Nitname and Aasaa dee Vaar Keertan: 3:30am to 11:30am
Rexdale Gurdwara Sahib (Carrier Drive)
Main Hall (416)746-6666

Amrit Sanchaar: 1:00pm
Rexdale Gurdwara Sahib (Carrier Drive)Main Hall
Please contact 647.224.5319 if you plan on attending Amrit Sanchaar Program

Raensabaayee Keertan: 8:00pm to 4:00am
Malton Gurdwara Sahib (905)671-1662

Here is the remaining LIVE BROADCAST schedule for the Smaagam:

Dec. 27, 2008:
Raensabaayee Keertan: 9:00pm to 4:00am
Malton Gurdwara Sahib (905-671-1662)

Link for broadcast:

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